
Sunday, 7 August 2011


I should be fast asleep, but I'm not.  I'm a bit stressed of late, and feel that I would be so much better if I had a fella to hold me and tell me everything's gonna be ok.  But I don't, so what's a girl to do, but buy herself new crayons.   And the crayons of choice in this particular instance are the new letraset flexmarkers.   I have to admit, I wanted them more for the 24 extra colours I got, rather than the brush tip, but oh my golly gosh, how fabulous is that brush tip.  Very fabulous, that's what.  At an RRP of approx £3.00/pen they are not the cheapest pens in the world, but I think they are worth every penny.

And here they are

I decided that I would try and colour my new Humphrey stamps (of which I have the complete range) only using flexmarkers - I do have about 60 promarker pens but did not use them for this.    I would have been more happy with the results I think if I'd used a wider range of colours, but I accomplished the task I set out to complete.

I only used normal copier paper for this first "play" and the photos could be clearer but on the whole I'm pleased with the results. 

Maybe I'll colour in the first set of 6 as well soon

Later folks



  1. Beautiful colouring of your new images, so pleased you're liking your new crayons xxx

  2. these are lovely am glad you like ur new pens hun.
    Marie xx

  3. Show off blow your nose off!!! hehehe Brilliant colouring I am just jealous x

  4. Beautifully coloured images, they are so sweet.


Some stuff about the stuff in the blog


Very new at this blogging lark, so forgive me if I get a bit befuddled. User name is derived from my maiden name of George and the fact that by the time the Olympics are held in the UK in 2012, I will look as if I could compete. And not as a sumo wrestler.

For starters there is only one blog with contain my thoughts, but this might evolve into 3 or 4 when I work out what I'm doing.

In the main it will cover my slimming journey, my quilting exploits, my get fit and stay fit campaign, and my photography. Not forgetting my recent TrollBead obsession.

Should I ever get a lovelife you might get glimpses of that as well.