
Saturday 1 January 2011

A domestic goddess I could be, but a fly lady I aint.....

I'm not entirely sure a domestic goddess would stay in bed till tea-time, but that's what I did today. I then cleaned out one, but only one, of my kitchen cupboards, made a list of all the food that was in there, then made tea. Today we had fishcakes (my mother's secret recipe) and rice pudding made with arborio rice because it wouldn't all fit in the lock and lock container I wanted to put it in. And even if I say so myself, it was very lovely. I even managed to pretty much clean the kitchen after me. Just waiting for one of the sons to wipe up.

Most of you out there will have no idea about my ineptitude when it comes to cleaning. To be honest it's not so much the cleaning, it's the tidying before the cleaning. I think it's safe to say I am a hoarder, and not only that, I have, in the past, suffered with depression, which is mostly under control nowadays, but still get the "odd" moment. And for anybody out there who has been unfortunate enough to go through a similar thing you'll know what I mean when I say that you often just don't see the mess. And then by the time you see it, you just don't know where to start. The pic you see to the right (hopefully) is the living room AFTER I've tidied for Christmas. The crafting might help the sanity, but does nothing for the clutter.

And talking about crafting - I did make good use of the time I spent in bed earlier. I took full advantage of the "up to 85%" sale at and despite losing my complete shopping cart at one point, I perserverd and managed to save myself nearly £200, having ordered some embossing stuff, stamps, and dies. I have the next week off work so hopefully they will arrive during the week so I can then play to my heart's content. (I do have to do a bit of cleaning as well) My intention is to follow in my sister's footsteps who makes 20 cards in 10 different designs ready for Christmas which she then sells. If I could do that then I should break even for all my purchases. Perhaps even make a profit - that would be good.

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Some stuff about the stuff in the blog


Very new at this blogging lark, so forgive me if I get a bit befuddled. User name is derived from my maiden name of George and the fact that by the time the Olympics are held in the UK in 2012, I will look as if I could compete. And not as a sumo wrestler.

For starters there is only one blog with contain my thoughts, but this might evolve into 3 or 4 when I work out what I'm doing.

In the main it will cover my slimming journey, my quilting exploits, my get fit and stay fit campaign, and my photography. Not forgetting my recent TrollBead obsession.

Should I ever get a lovelife you might get glimpses of that as well.