
Wednesday, 16 March 2011

A make and an altered image

Very tired, so just a short post.

The Wild rose paint fusion card I made just didn't look right, so I cut the top off and will use it as a topper on something.

I also made a box.  A lad I work with is going to a christening and his "missus" didn't like the box the gift came in.  I offered to make a replacement box.  Not sure it will be suitable for what they want it for, as it's not particularly babyish.  I did say there was not obligation to use it.   It's a nice box, and given that I've never made one before, then I'm very pleased with it.  I'm sure there was a quicker way to do it, and an easier way to do it.  But it looks fine to me.

Good night folks xxx

Oh, and in case I forgot to mention it to anybody I came into contact with today - I won a prize.  I don't know what it is yet, but is somthing fairyopolis


  1. Great box, it looks really good

  2. I can't see anything wrong with your card! The box is gorgeous, really pretty colours.

    Congrats on your win - I don't know why, but I seem to think it's the complete new release, whatever it is it will be gorgeous and £100 worth of goodies should keep you busy for a little while.

    Claire x

  3. First of all, congratulations on your win. I'm sure you'll receive some fab stash. I think both of your makes are lovely, the box is sure to be well received.

  4. The card looks lovely, great box too


Some stuff about the stuff in the blog


Very new at this blogging lark, so forgive me if I get a bit befuddled. User name is derived from my maiden name of George and the fact that by the time the Olympics are held in the UK in 2012, I will look as if I could compete. And not as a sumo wrestler.

For starters there is only one blog with contain my thoughts, but this might evolve into 3 or 4 when I work out what I'm doing.

In the main it will cover my slimming journey, my quilting exploits, my get fit and stay fit campaign, and my photography. Not forgetting my recent TrollBead obsession.

Should I ever get a lovelife you might get glimpses of that as well.