
Saturday 2 April 2011

migraine - how inconvenient

As you can probably tell from the title of this  post, I've had a migraine.  I've slept the whole day away, sent my son out for tablets, and then slept some more.   But now I feel much better and am doing some knitting.  Along with 2 scarves, I am also knitting a sample for Create and Craft - maybe one day fame will come knocking.

I have also finished another part of the dance costumes - I will be going to the show, so hopefully will be able to take some photos of the costumes in action.

i didn't make the leotard, but I did add the frills, or, as I like to call them - fruffles.

But for now, back to the knitting and a cup of tea.  No chocolate and wine for me tonight because I have a feeling they could well be the culprits for today.


1 comment:

  1. Thats a great costums,both my grand daughters are just getting into dancing,the older one 11 ,has just past the first level ,and the little one 6, is doing great,but its so expensive,lol.

    I paid their last test,cost me £24 ...........
    xx Tina


Some stuff about the stuff in the blog


Very new at this blogging lark, so forgive me if I get a bit befuddled. User name is derived from my maiden name of George and the fact that by the time the Olympics are held in the UK in 2012, I will look as if I could compete. And not as a sumo wrestler.

For starters there is only one blog with contain my thoughts, but this might evolve into 3 or 4 when I work out what I'm doing.

In the main it will cover my slimming journey, my quilting exploits, my get fit and stay fit campaign, and my photography. Not forgetting my recent TrollBead obsession.

Should I ever get a lovelife you might get glimpses of that as well.