
Saturday, 18 August 2012

half empty.....

that's the bottle of wine,  the glass is completely full.

Today I went to Waterstones to hear Karen Maitland talk.  Unfortunately, I was misinformed about the start time, and missed most of it, but what I did hear was really good.  If you like medieval/middle ages type stuff and you get the chance to hear her talk, take advantage of it and go and listen.  Well worth it.   If you've never read any of her work, then, according to her website, Company of Liars, which is the first book of hers I read, is on offer in various  places.  

 Fortunately I got the chance to have a bit of a chat with her afterwards, and she's suggested I write a book. So I'm considering it.    

And, as well as that, she recommended audiobooks to a couple of us, which I've never really considered before, but I bought one (well 2 for £6.00 in the Works) on my way home, and I listened to about half of it whilst cleaning up in the kitchen earlier.  Which could mean that my crafting/sewing gets a bit of a boost because I'll be able to "read" and craft at the same time.

The wine is now making me a little dozy, so I'll sign off for now, but will be back soon.

Later folks

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Some stuff about the stuff in the blog


Very new at this blogging lark, so forgive me if I get a bit befuddled. User name is derived from my maiden name of George and the fact that by the time the Olympics are held in the UK in 2012, I will look as if I could compete. And not as a sumo wrestler.

For starters there is only one blog with contain my thoughts, but this might evolve into 3 or 4 when I work out what I'm doing.

In the main it will cover my slimming journey, my quilting exploits, my get fit and stay fit campaign, and my photography. Not forgetting my recent TrollBead obsession.

Should I ever get a lovelife you might get glimpses of that as well.